This past weekend I was able to spend time with my friends Sam, Justin, and their newest addition, Ira. It was the sweetest in home session and I am so happy for them!! Ira came 8 weeks early and was a complete surprise to his parents. Here is his birth story from Sam!
“A month ago I thought I was getting ready to go to the gym, but I woke up in labor instead. I thought I was throwing Justin his 30th birthday party, but we met our baby boy that morning instead. For those of you keeping score, that’s 8 weeks before this little man was supposed to arrive. Proving his comedic timing, Ira made sure we didn’t deliver until after midnight on dad’s birthday.🎂
The nurses mentioned my long and complicated labor and delivery a few times. They asked how I was doing. I know we spent an emotional 25 days in the NICU afterwards, and everyone wants to know how you are doing.
The truth is that I have no other experience to compare this to, but I can guess it turned out differently than most typical and blissful first days as a new family.
All I know is, this is how Ira arrived into the universe. The three of us made it to the other side happy and healthy, and that’s how we are doing. So cheers to finally being home with our son and his fluffy sister.
We are so grateful to our families, doctors, and especially Ira’s team of NICU nurses at Ochsner Baptist – A Campus of Ochsner Medical Center. These nurses cared for our son when we couldn’t. When we couldn’t feed or hold him. They taught us, made us feel safe and optimistic. They empowered us in a fragile time and helped us to be as confident as we could hope to be in our transition from hospital to home.”
I’m so thankful for all the opportunities to photograph Sam & Justin! Click here to view their engagement session.
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